2024/25 THRF-KTDRA CNARTS Travel Grants (Round 2)

This is a preview of the THRF-KTDRA CNARTS - Travel Grants 2024/25 - v1.0 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Applicant Information

* indicates a required field.

Before you begin

Before proceeding with this application, please ensure you have read and understood the Guidelines for this round, including all eligibility and application requirements.   

1.1 Applicant details

1.1.1 In which capacity are you undertaking the proposed travel/conference activity? * Required
Response required.
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 

1.2 Student details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1.1 In which capacity are you undertaking the proposed travel/conference activity?" on page 1

1.2.1 What degree are you enrolled in? If selecting 'Other' please also supply the name of your degree program. * Required
1.2.6 Are you studying full-time or part-time? * Required

1.3 CNARTS-affiliated supervisor details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1.1 In which capacity are you undertaking the proposed travel/conference activity?" on page 1

Please provide below the details for the CNARTS-affiliated supervisor overseeing your research project. If you are a HDR or Honours student, this person must be one of your official supervisors. 

Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an email address. 

1.4 Researcher details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1.1 In which capacity are you undertaking the proposed travel/conference activity?" on page 1

1.4.3 Please select all other affiliation(s) you have (DO NOT reselect your primary) * Required
Response required.
You can select more than 1 choice
1.4.4 Do you currently hold a Higher Degree by Research (either a Masters by Research or a PhD) in line with Australian Qualifications Framework Levels 9 or 10? * Required

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "1.1.1 In which capacity are you undertaking the proposed travel/conference activity?" on page 1
  • "1.4.4 Do you currently hold a Higher Degree by Research (either a Masters by Research or a PhD) in line with Australian Qualifications Framework Levels 9 or 10?" on page 1

1.4.5 When was your HDR conferred?

Month of HDR conferralYear of HDR conferral
Response required.  * Required
 * Required
Choose from the available options
Enter year in format YYYY

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "1.1.1 In which capacity are you undertaking the proposed travel/conference activity?" on page 1

For the purposes of this scheme, “Early-Mid Career” is considered as up to 10 years post HDR conferral (where held), or an equivalent amount of research experience, allowing for career disruptions in line with the NHMRC Relative to Opportunity policy available from: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/about-us/policies-and-priorities#download.

Please note that further justification for claims of HDR equivalence and/or career disruption(s) may be requested during assessment.

1.4.6 Do you believe you meet the definition provided above for an Early-Mid Career Researcher? * Required

1.5 Research and research experience

Word count:
Must be no more than 200 words.